Friday, February 17, 2012

ERROR: table don't support this operation

hello all,

this query causes error on some servers (sql2000 sp3). on our development server is this ok. we have restore the database from customer server to the development server, this is ok too. we don't know which configuration on the server can change to solve the problem.
select distinct V.Vereinsname as Vereinsname, V.VNr as VerNr, V.PLZ as PLZ, V.Ort as Ort, V.Strasse1 as Stra?e1, V.Strasse2 as Stra?e2, '0' as Sel
, V.Statusfeld01, V.Statusfeld02, V.Statusfeld03, V.Statusfeld04, V.Statusfeld05, V.Statusfeld06, V.Statusfeld07, V.Statusfeld08, V.Statusfeld09
, V.Statusfeld10, V.Statusfeld11, V.Statusfeld12, V.Statusfeld13, V.Statusfeld14, V.Statusfeld15, V.Statusfeld16

where 0 < V.VKrNr
and V.VKrNr in (1)
order by Vereinsname

the message in german is: "Tabelle unterstützt diese Operation nicht."

many thanks in advance


Have you checked the index?|||just a question but why do you do this -
where 0 < V.VKrNr
and V.VKrNr in (1)

and not simply

where V.VKrNr = 1

I don't know. . . sql might optimize it out, but seems like overkill.|||Could you please post a simple repro script? The error message looks like a client library message and not SQL Server. It could be that you are trying to add/update rows in the datatable or recordset for example and it is not supported. This can be due to the nature of the SELECT statement (use of DISTINCT and ORDER BY clauses) which will make the resultset read-only.

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