Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Estimating Database Size Issue

I am following the guidelines laid out on the following page to
calculate an estimated size for a database.
However, I am noticing something weird. Because
Index_Rows_Per_Page is calculated by dividing the (Index_Row_Size +
2), the MORE variable and non-variable keys you add to your table, the
SMALLER the size of the database gets. Does this make sense to anyone
because it doesn't make sense to me.
Here's my database:
Num_Rows = 75,000,000
Num_Cols = 3
Fixed_Data_Size = 8
Num_Variable_Cols = 0
Max_Var_Size = 0
Num_Key_Cols = 2
Fixed_Key_Size = 4
Num_Variable_Key_Cols = 0
Max_Var_Key_Size = 0
Num_Nullable_Key_Cols = 0
Using this information, I get 438.07GB as the size of my
If I change the number of Fixed_Key_Size to 6, the size of the
database drops to 335.25GB.
Again, this doesn't make sense to me. If quadruple checked my
math against what's in the URL above, and it appears to match what is
in the document. Is Microsoft's calculation wrong? Surely not. Maybe I
missed something? Are you guys getting the same results based off of
my info above?
JeremyI remember when I first read this article I felt pretty overwhelmed.
I've found the many scripts and articles from www.sqlservercentral.com
(and www.sql-server-perfromance.com I think) to be much more
intuitive. I know this doesn't really answer your question, its more
of a suggestion.
Erik|||Thanks Erik. I was looking further through the code I wrote, value by
value, and it turns out that it's either the LOG function or the
Summation function (or a combination of both) that is making the size
decrease when the byte size of indexed keys increases. But it still
doesn't make sense.
I'll take a look at those links though, thanks!

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