Thursday, March 29, 2012

ETL Guidance


We've decided to use SSIS for an ETL type project. We are going to convert some files to our special flat file format. Our special flat file format will not change, but we will need to convert about 40 different style flat files into this format. We will receive any of these files at random intervals. We will likely have to add more file formats to the 40 at some point, too.

I'd like to use a flexible design, but I just started with SSIS and its going to be hard to test all the possible combinations, so I hope I can find some guidance in this forum.

What would be a good approach to allow for the most reuse of work to support these various file formats?

Jamie Thomson's excellent SSIS blog has an "SSIS Best Practices" list that might be a good place to start:

|||At worst you'll need to make a converison from each style of incoming file to your formatted style. more details would be helpful|||Thanks, I read Jamie's blog everyday and I recommend it to everyone, too.sql

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